Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of the Central Java Province National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) number 10/BAZNAS-Prov/I/2023 regarding Notification to Present Prospective Scholarship Recipients and Facilitation of the 2023 Central Java BAZNAS Scholarship Selection Exam, following we inform you that the students listed in the attachment The following are requested to attend to take part in the written selection and interview at:

Day, date : Friday, January 13, 2023

Time : 08.00 s.d. 13.00 WIB

Place: Meeting Room of the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, 2nd Floor of the SA-MWA Building


  1. Each student is required to bring test media (cellphone or laptop) and personal stationery and alma mater jacket
  2. Participants arrive 30 minutes before the test is held and if they are late they will not be given an extension of time
  3. Participants who are unable to attend will be deemed to have resigned
  4. Bring KTP, KTM, Transcript / KHS, SKTM and a certificate of not currently receiving a scholarship
  5. For further confirmation, please contact Mr. Adinda Herlista Widya HP 085-385-538-939

Notification of Written Selection and Interview -Online