With regard to Persesjen number: 10 of 2022 concerning the Implementation Guidelines for the Smart Indonesia Program for Higher Education, we hereby inform you that there is a replacement for the KIP Lecture scholarships for the 2020 and 2021 batches for the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The requirements are as follows:
- Active students from underprivileged families (not civil servants/TNI/POLRI) from accredited study programs (A and B).
- Fill out and complete the KIP-K registration file via https://kip-lecturing.kemdikbud.go.id.
- Register through the Scholarship Application on each student’s SSO account.
- Uploading file :
- Photocopy of KTM, KTP, KK, KKS, KIP (for those who already have).
- Certificate of Incapacity (SKTM) from Kelurahan;
- Certificate of income of parents/guardians issued by place of work/kelurahan;
- Photocopy of electricity bill;
- Photocopy of parent/guardian’s PBB (for those who do not have PBB, it will be replaced with RT/RW/Kelurahan Certificate)
- Photo of the house (whole facade and living room)
For students who are interested and meet the requirements, they can register via beasiswa.undip.ac.id no later than August 24, 2022.
Letter No. 635 Registration of KIP-K Substitute for Odd Smtr 2022