Following up on a letter from the Executive Director of BSI Maslahat Number 02/2956-03/BSI Maslahat dated October 5 2023 regarding the Invitation to Socialize the Opening of the BSI Scholarship TALENTA, we hereby convey that Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) provides the opportunity for Diponegoro University students to get BSI Scholarhsip TALENTA with the following conditions:

  1. Active student of the 7th semester or final year Undergraduate Program (S1) as proven by a Student Identity Card and certificate of active study;
  2. Not currently receiving a scholarship from another institution and/or under official bond status from another institution/agency;
  3. Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) last semester of at least 3.00 (scale 4);
  4. Have good English language skills and have a TOEFL score above 450;
  5. Have achievements and experience in leading an organization/community as proven by a certificate;
  6. Create an Essay on the theme of Sharia Economics on the LJK BSI Scholarship and upload Twibbon on Instagram social media.
  7. Fulfill the requirements and selection of scholarship recipients from Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

Registration and further information regarding the LJK and Twibbon links can be accessed via the page Students who are interested and meet the requirements can register via this page by 30 October 2023.