Prospective students participating in KIP-Lectures in semester 1 (one) DO NOT pay UKT in advance. As a follow-up to this, prospective students participating in KIP-College must follow the scholarship selection mechanism as follows.

  1. Students who are prospective recipients of KIP Lectures are required to prepare and file as attached.
  2. Data and documents as mentioned in number (1) are prepared in the form of softfile / softcopyand input-through the system according to the online registration schedule.
  3. Students who have inputted data, are required to take part in an interview which is conducted during the Verification of Prospective New Students for the Test-Based National Selection Pathway (SNBT) Program.
  4. If other additional data is still needed, Diponegoro University will carry out a further selection.
  5. For prospective Lecture KIP recipients who are declared unable to pass the College KIP determination, they are required to pay a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) with an amount to be determined later.

Announcement of KIP K for the SNBT line