Prospective students participating in KIP-Lectures in semester 1 (one) DO NOT pay UKT in advance. As a follow-up to this, prospective students participating in KIP-College must follow the scholarship selection mechanism as follows.
- Students who are prospective recipients of KIP Lectures are required to prepare and file as attached.
- Data and documents as mentioned in number (1) are prepared in the form of softfile / softcopyand input-through the system according to the online registration schedule.
- Students who have inputted data, are required to take part in an interview which is conducted during the Verification of Prospective New Students for the Test-Based National Selection Pathway (SNBT) Program.
- If other additional data is still needed, Diponegoro University will carry out a further selection.
- For prospective Lecture KIP recipients who are declared unable to pass the College KIP determination, they are required to pay a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) with an amount to be determined later.
Announcement of KIP K for the SNBT line