In connection with the commencement of the selection of KIP Lectures at Diponegoro University in 2023 for the SNBP Pathway, we will inform you about the technical provisions for selecting prospective students for KIP Lectures at Diponegoro University.

  1. Students who are prospective recipients of KIP Lectures are required to prepare:
a KIP-K Registration Number Data
b Social Assistance Number (KIP/KKS/SKTM) Data
c Residential Registration Number Data
d Family Card Number Data
e National Student Identification Number Data
f School name Data
g Number of dependent family members Data
h Number of people living in one house Data
i Occupation of Mr/Guardian Data
j Mother’s Job Data
k Income of Mr/Guardian Data
l Mother’s Income Data
m District/City of Origin Data
n Province of Origin Data
o Domicile Address Data
p Last Tax Paid Amount Data
q Electrical Power Data
r mobile number Data
s Email Data
t KIP College Registration Card Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
u Attachment / Documents Proof of Social Assistance Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
v Proof of Income of Mr/Guardian Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
w Proof of Mother’s Income Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
x Photo / Scan of Last Paid PBB Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
y Electricity Account Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
z Family Card Document / file with the type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB
aa Photo of the House (inside and out) Document / file with type jpg/jpeg and a maximum size of 2MB
bb Student Contract with College Documents / files with type pdf and a maximum size of 2MB. The contract format can be downloaded here


  1. Data and documents as mentioned in number (1) are prepared in the form of softfile / softcopyand are input-ed when Verifying Prospective New Students Undergraduate Program Based on National Selection Achievement (SNBP) through the system
  2. Students who have input data, are required to take part in an interview which is conducted during the Verification of Prospective New Students for the Undergraduate Program National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP).
  3. If other additional data is still needed, Diponegoro University will carry out a further selection.
  4. For prospective Lecture KIP recipients who are declared unable to pass the College KIP determination, they are required to pay a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) with an amount to be determined later.

Thus we submit this announcement. For your attention we arrived