With regard to Presidential Decree No.10 of 2022 concerning Implementation Guidelines for the Smart Indonesia Higher Education Program point H. Proposed Replacement Recipients of the KIP Lecture Program, it is hereby conveyed that there will be a replacement for KIP Lecture scholarship recipients in the Odd Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year with the following conditions:

  1. S1 and D4 students class of 2021
  2. S1, D4 and D3 students class of 2022
  3. Already registered at the link https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id/
  4. Students who hold or own KIP Secondary Education
  5. Students from poor/vulnerable families and/or with special considerations as follows:
    • Students from families participating in the Family Hope Program (PKH) or
    • Students from families holding Prosperous Family Cards (KKS) or
    • Students from families who are included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) or receive social assistance programs determined by the ministry that handles government affairs in the social sector or
    • Students from social institutions/orphanages; and/or
    • Students who are members of families that have a combined gross income of parents/guardians of a maximum of IDR 4,000,000.00 (four million rupiah) per month or a combined gross income of parents/guardians divided by the number of family members of a maximum of IDR 750,000, 00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah); or
    • Indifficulty Certificate (SKTM)
  6. Certificate of Income of parents/guardians issued by the relevant agency/district;
  7. Photocopy of last Family Card (KK) and KHS

Registration via beasiswa.undip.ac.id  no later than 31 October 2023.

Thank you for your attention and help.