With regard to the letter from the Education Financing Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture number: 0694/J5/KM.01.00/2022 dated 13 May 2022 regarding the 2022 KIP Lecture Quota, we hereby inform you that there is still a 2022 KIP Scholarship quota available. The requirements are as follows:
- New students from underprivileged families (not civil servants/TNI/POLRI) Academic Year 2022/2023 from accredited study programs (A and B) and high school graduates in 2021 and 202
- Fill out and complete the KIP-K registration file via https://kip-lecturing.kemdikbud.go.id.
- Register through the Scholarship Application on each student’s SSO account.
- Uploading file :
- Photocopy of KTM/Temporary, KTP, KK, KKS, KIP (for those who already have).
- Certificate of Incapacity (SKTM) from Kelurahan;
- Parent’s/guardian’s income statement issued by the place of work/kelurahan;
- Photocopy of electricity bill;
- Photocopy of parent/guardian’s PBB (for those who do not have PBB, it will be replaced with RT/RW/Kelurahan Certificate)
- Photo of the house (whole facade and living room)
For students who are interested and meet the requirements, can register via beasiswa.undip.ac.id (KIP-KULIAH SCHOLARSHIP IN 2022: ADDITIONAL) no later than August 28, 2022.