Based on a letter from the Director of PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera number TL.01/29/5/3/DAPK/DROP/PDS-23 dated 29 May 2023 regarding Notification of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Scholarship Program Champions Scholarship University For Diponegoro University Semarang Students, we herewith convey the terms of the scholarship:


  1. Students from S1 Law, S1 Communication, S1 Fisheries Product Technology, S1 Agrotechnology, and S1 Marine Engineering study programs,
  2. Active students with achievement criteria, but experiencing economic constraints (Low Income Society),
  3. Not currently receiving another scholarship,
  4. Students in semester 3 (three) to semester 8 (eight),
  5. Grade Point Average (GPA) min 3.00; and
  6. Fulfill the conditions and selection of scholarship recipients from Pelindo.



  1. Registration (5 to 9 June 2023)
  2. Administrative Selection (10 June 2023)
  3. Psychological Test and Interview (14 to 15 June 2023)
  4. Announcement of Scholarship Recipients (16 June 2023)
  5. Awarding of Scholarships (30 June 2023)
  6. Monitoring and Upskilling

*The timeline above is subject to change at any time

Registration Mechanism

Students who are interested and meet the requirements and register via the page

Thus we submit this announcement. We thank you for your attention.

Announcement of Champions Scholarship University Offers