Based on the minutes of July 18 2023 regarding the 2023 Baznas Scholar Scholarship (BCB) Student Administration Selection for Diponegoro University Semarang Students, we herewith convey the results of the 2023 Baznas Scholar Scholarship (BCB) administrative selection as attached.

Students who have passed the administrative selection are entitled to take part in the interview selection with the following conditions:

  1. The interview was held on:

Day, Date               : Monday, 24 July 2023
Time                        : schedule attached
Venue                                      : Innovation and Cooperation Meeting Room, SAM-WA Building Floor 1, Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus, Semarang

      1. Students are required to bring Al-Quran
      2. Students are required to attend the selection interview according to a predetermined schedule
      3. Students are required to bring proof of parental income

Further information regarding interview selection can be via email/electronic mail

Thus we submit this announcement. We thank you for your attention.

Attachment to Announcement Baznas Scholar Scholarship Selection Results for 2023