Following up on a letter from the Deputy Chair of the YBM BRILiaN Management Number B.0176/YBM-BRILiaN/SMG/IX/2023 dated 12 September 2023 regarding the Application for Program Socialization, we hereby convey that the Baitul Maal BRILiaN Foundation (BRILiaN) provides the opportunity for Diponegoro University students to get a “Bright Scholarship” with the following conditions:

  1. Male
  2. Active student of 1st semester (one) semester of Bachelor or Diploma Program S1/D4 as proven by Student Identity Card and certificate of active study.
  3. Not currently receiving a scholarship from another institution and/or under official bond status from another institution/agency.
  4. Have good English language skills and have achievements in academic and non-academic fields as well as being active in organizations.
  5. Have the ability to read the Koran.
  6. Come from a family with a disadvantaged economic background as proven by the presence of a parent’s salary slip, for parents who do not have a salary slip, this is proven by a Certificate of Income from the local government.
  7. Fulfill the conditions and selection of scholarship recipients from YBM BRILiaN.

Registration and further information can be accessed via the page maximum date 01 October 2023.