Amount of Scholarship

Students who have passed will receive a scholarship of IDR 800,000 per month starting from August 2023 to. July 2024.


  1. Students of Indonesian nationality
  2. Active student
  3. Study Program
  • Bachelor degree: from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health
  • Diploma: Study program in the science and technology category
  1. Semester
  • D3: Minimum semester III and maximum semester VI
  • D4/S1: minimum semester III, maximum semester VIII
  1. Minimum GPA
  • D4/S1: 3.00
  • D3: 2.85
  1. Comes from a poor family
  2. Not currently receiving another scholarship
  3. Fill in the application form
  4. Students who have received scholarships in the previous year get more priority.

Registration via no later than May 21, 2023.