In the following, we inform you of the Diponegoro University 170th Graduation Ceremony April 2023 period, that the Graduation Ceremony will be held on 22 – 25 May 2023 located in the Building. Prof. Sudarto, S.H., Undip – Tembalang, Semarang.

We need to inform you that the series of activities for the 170th Graduation Ceremony are as follows:

  • Rehearsal date May 19, 2023 online
  • Graduation Phase I, May 22, 2023 (Morning)
  • Graduation Phase II, May 22, 2023 (Afternoon)
  • Graduation Phase III, May 23, 2023 (Morning)
  • Graduation Phase IV, May 23, 2023 (Afternoon)
  • Graduation Phase V, May 24, 2023 (Morning)
  • Graduation Stage VI, May 24, 2023 (Afternoon)
  • Graduation Phase VII, May 25, 2023 (Morning)
  • Graduation Phase VIII, May 25, 2023 (Afternoon)

As for the circular, the schedule for the 170 graduations and the full list of graduates you can download below.

Thank You.