In accordance with the letter from the Head of the Central Java Province Bank Indonesia Representative Office Unit number 25/Sm/Srt/B dated 8 February 2023 regarding Students Passing the Administration Selection, we hereby inform you that there were 160 students from Diponegoro University who were declared to have passed the administrative selection (attached).

For students who have passed the administrative selection, they are entitled to continue the selection to the in-depth interview stage. The technical implementation of in depth interviewsas follows:

  1. The interview will be conducted online using a zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 830 8027 0433 |Passcode: kmi) or next page
  2. Interview schedule can be seen via following page and/or through whatsapp groupwhich will be coordinated from Bank Indonesia / institution appointed by Bank Indonesia
  3. Students are expected standby at least 15 minutes before the set time
  4. Students are dressed politely and neatly
  5. Make sure the internet connection is good and if there are connection problems during the interview, further coordination can be made
  6. Student turns on camera during interview session
  7. When entering the main room, please respond when asked by the admin for data collection purposes
  8. Students are expected to add the student code in front of their name (the student code can be seen on the schedule under the name of the student psychologist placed) for example: Budi is placed in Mrs. Karen’s room (student code M1) then write M1_Budi for his name
  9. The interview will use a breakout room
  10. Students will be assigned by the admin to breakout rooms at predetermined hours or empty rooms